From there we set off to see the ART. There was art in the parks, and the water, even falling from the bridge! Elise Pepple's beautiful performative piece involved dumping loads of colored leaves from the Manhattan bridge down onto the people below. The pictures below don't do justice, but they set the stage. It was a wonderful celebration of a much awaited season.

We enjoyed some of the more ambitious installation type works. Loved seeing the new Smack Mellon space. (Yummy. Can I make some stuff in there?) Then we walked down to the waterfront for ice cream from the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory. Highly recommend it, but not too much - its rich!
All in all a beautiful day in the sun (finally) with visual and gastronomous treats!
I forgot to mention that simultaneously (but from what I could tell, not actually connected to the Dumbo Fest) was a really wonderful photography exhibit. It was in a fancy tent in the gutted building near the BB park. The work was really overall quite stunning. I often find that the media of photography gets wrapped up in being interesting because the things in the photo are interesting. For my photo interest to be piqued, the photos themselves must be engaging and interesting in and of themselves. By and large this selection did that. Of special interest were the spare and beautiful works of Christian Erroi, who put the stark works behind 1 inch thick plexi adding another dimension to the works. Although it was interesting to see this work, I think I would have been a bit upset about having really expensively framed works shown in a tent over the course of 3 days of varying weather.

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